Next weekend we will be welcoming Fr. Apolinary Kavishe, AJ (Apostle of Jesus) to our parish! Please join us in the chapel after all the Masses to meet and welcome our new priest. Check out too a little bio that Fr. Kavishe wrote in the bulletin.
Recently, Marie Toth, our parish music director, has received and accepted a position as music director at Our Lady of Angels in Cleveland. We are grateful to Marie for her years of service and ministry here at Holy Family and wish her well in this transition. John Bischof, who accompanied her as volunteer organist, will be joining her at OLA in the same capacity. Please keep Marie and John in your prayers at this time as well as for our parish as we pursue a new music director. Please join us the weekend of September 14/15th after all the Masses for a cookie and punch reception as we thank Marie and John for their ministry and wish them well in the transition.
This Wednesday is the first day of school!!! Please keep our students, teachers, and staff in your prayers as we launch into another great academic year. I will bless all of the classrooms and students on Wednesday and our new Our Lady of Fatima statues will be blessed and given to each of the grades. A big thank you to our Knights of Columbus for helping to provide the new statues which will be a great reminder of the presence and closeness of Mary and the saints throughout the day.