Mass Schedule & Confession
Weekdays: 8:30 am ~ in the chapel
Saturday: 4:30 pm (live streamed)
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am
Confessions Every Saturday: 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm; or by appointment
Devotions Schedule
Adoration/Exposition: Sundays from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the church and Wednesdays from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm in the chapel
Rosary: Monday through Friday following the 8:30 am Mass in the chapel
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesdays immediately following the 8:30 am Mass in the chapel
Parish and Diocese News
Message from Fr. David
Starting on Monday night is the first book session of “Why We’re Catholic”! Don’t miss out on these important discussions of understanding our faith more deeply. Bring your books, bring your questions, bring a friend! Bishop Malesic has recently published his first pastoral letter to [...]
Message from Fr. David
What are your spiritual New Year’s resolutions? As creatures created with growth in mind - physically, mentally, and spiritually - it is important that we commit each year to giving God our best, ultimately for our own fulfillment. Growing in prayer, the wisdom of the [...]
Message from Fr. David
It is my pleasure to announce that after a good deal of conversation and discernment, starting on January 1st, Mr. Bob McMurray and Ms. Kiersten Hopko who have been assisting with music these past months will become Co-Coordinators of Sacred Music here at Holy Family. [...]
Message from Fr. Davd
We are so grateful to Fr. Michael Denk for his wonderful mission on prayer last week! It was so inspiring to hear about not just the need for prayer, but also to be led through different ways of prayer. Every one of us can pray [...]
Recently Deceased
Please pray for the recently deceased of our Parish Community
Paul Hlavacs; Patricia Ksiezyk; Richard Seiler; Rose Marie Ripepi; Doris M. Kwapinski; Paul S. Malia; Eugene Bromund; Christine Marie Krueger; Gilbert Scherry
Eternal rest grant unto them , O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Through the mercy of God, pray for the repose of the souls of all the faithfully departed.
Parish App
Text “APP” to 55321 to obtain the link to download the app to your phone.
This app allows us to better communicate with you throughout the week and keep you updated with relevant parish news or updates. This great resource provides daily Mass readings, Catholic news and prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our bulletins and more.
We hope our app is a tool for fostering stronger parish life at Holy Family.
Mass Online
Support our Parish
It’s very easy to do – click here for instructions on set up
Prayer Line
Prayer Line
Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of Holy Family Parish in Parma, Ohio, were established in 1872 as a community of Catholic faithful; We worship God in the celebration of the Eucharist; We evangelize through Jesus Christ, sharing the great message of salvation; We foster community as a spiritual home for all in our parish; We promote Catholic education and faith formation for all ages; We extend loving service to the poor, sick, and needy; We develop Catholic leaders and encourage participation in ministries by using our time, talent, and treasure; We strive to follow the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the original Holy Family.
The weekly TV Mass is produced by the Diocese of Cleveland and it originates from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland will be aired on Sundays at 10 a.m on WUAB Channel 43, the CW43. The TV Mass also can be accessed on demand starting Saturday evening and running throughout Sunday on the Diocese of Cleveland website, In addition, the Mass can be heard on the radio every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on AM 1260 The Rock or at 9:00 a.m. on WINT-1330 AM and Cox Communications cable subscribers can view the Mass at 11:30 a.m. Sunday on channel 45.
Childcare & Preschool
Holy Family Childcare/Preschool is a quality Childcare Center. Please contact Ms. Rene Buchtel at 440-886-4717 to register. For more information, please see their website
Holy Family School
The 2024-2025 school year began on August 28, 2024. The north parking lot will once again be closed on school days. Please use extra caution in our parking lots and see the school’s website for the approved drop off/pick up pattern on the south side of the school. A reminder that the school zone on York Road is activated from 7:10 A.M. until 8:10 A.M. and from 2:15 P.M. until 3:00 P.M. on school days. Once again, the Parma Police Department will be utilizing their automatic photo enforcement cameras to help ensure student safety. The cameras record drivers going in both directions in the school zone.
For information about our school please call 440-842-7785 or see their website