THANK YOU to all our parishioners who help assist at our liturgies in various ways be it by serving, lectoring, cantoring, distributing Holy Communion, or by ushering. Your weekly service really helps us to pray and pray well. The liturgy is the work of the priest, but also of the whole community. That being said, we are in need of new people to enter into these ministries to help us continue to pray well. Further, the larger pool of people we have to draw from, the less the need there will be from week to week. As they say, “Many hands make light work.” If God is calling you to step into a role here and you are interested in doing so, please reach out to our office and we will connect you to the right person and resources to begin serving.

Our brothers and sisters in the southern states are certainly in our prayers as they recover from the latest series of hurricanes. While we continue to pray for them and for their needs (financial, emotional, and spiritual), I would point you to Catholic Charities USA as a way to help financially if you feel so called. Find them at:

A big shout out to our Social Action Committee and all they do to help serve those in need in our community. Our monthly food pantry drives are very successful in helping to connect people in need with the resources and food we are able to acquire. Please know that more food is always needed to provide. Our “Hunger Hurts” box is over between the main church and the chapel. Certainly, thank you to all who have been so generous to our food pantry and Social Action Commission over the years! Jesus’ heart is consoled when we care for those in need.