It’s ANOTHER BOOK! A generous parishioner has made a donation of books that will be offered at no cost to you (or our parish) this Lenten season. “Know Thyself” is a book on humility, one of the most treasured virtues. The book leads the reader through 100 days of guided meditations on humility of heart. Your copy is available this weekend in the church vestibule.
Not only are we giving away books for Lent, but I am excited to announce that we will be having a Summer 2025 Car Raffle!!! Tickets and posters are being printed now for us to raffle off a 2025 Nissan Kicks. As soon as we have the tickets we will be able to sell them. If you are not in need of a car, it would be a great opportunity to share with people you know outside of the parish who may need one and/or who would want to help support our parish. The date of the final drawing of the car is being determined but will be connected to an event sometime this summer. Other details about the car will be forthcoming.
Thank you to all of our leaders and volunteers of our fish fry!!! The past few weeks have gone so well, and I received many compliments that our fish fry was the BEST in the area for various reasons! Thank you all so much for your hard work, hospitality, joyful smiles, and kindness. Keep up the great work!
As you see, construction has begun on the Sewer District Detention Pond Project. We had a chance to meet with their leadership and are aware of the plan moving forward. The project will mean some noise and dust for the neighborhood for sure, but we are in good hands in regard to the welfare and safety of the school and parish.
Remember that the Diocesan Night of Confession is this Wednesday from 5-8pm at every Catholic Church in the Diocese! Invite those who maybe have been away for some time to experience the powerful mercy of God! We will have a communal penance service for our parish as well the Monday of Holy Week as we have done in the past.
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