I am excited to announce that the work on the sound system will be commencing soon!!! At the end of this month some sound panels will be installed on the flat wall beneath the choir loft. The speakers are being made as we speak and, if the timeline goes according to plan, the installation will begin the day after Easter. Thank you again for your patience with this project!

You will notice that the cave has been up for the Lenten season, and we are again adding elements to it gradually as we move toward the Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday/Easter). As with the Cave of the Nativity, this place too was already prepared, technically by Joseph of Arimathea, but ultimately by the Father. A point of reflection could be: What are the places of my life that I need and desire the presence of God? Places and situations that are difficult, heavy, and I feel alone? The cave is an opportunity to acknowledge those places and bring them into our prayer, our conversation with Jesus. (Which, by the way, the Bishop invites us to commit 15 min or 1% of our day to in his recent pastoral letter.)

This Monday through Wednesday, Mr. Michael Gormley, “Gomer” as he is known, a popular Catholic podcaster and speaker, will be giving 3 talks on the Eucharist – “E.A.T. Your Way to Heaven” – at St. Joe’s in Strongsville. I would HIGHLY Recommend this Lenten Mission and will be attending myself some of the nights.