As you may know, I am very blessed to join the Theology of the Body Institute as a chaplain for their pilgrimage to Italy September 3-13. I can’t believe that it’s already here! Know that you will all be in my prayers as we will travel to some places that are connected to the Holy Family – Assisi, with St. Francis’ promotion of the nativity scene; Loretto, which tradition holds has the house of the Holy Family transported there by angels before the area was destroyed through war; and certainly the Vatican, the mother church of the whole family of Christianity. Please keep our group of 58 pilgrims in prayer as we travel to these holy places and many more. If you have any prayer requests for me to take to Italy/any of the holy sites (San Giovanni Rotundo, Pietrelcina, Lanciano, and Cascia) you can email them to me at [email protected]. I will make up a list and carry all the intentions with me.
With all the travel and prayer and stuff, there may not be a bulletin article for next week… but there may also be! While it will not be a postcard per se, I will try to send back a picture or two and let you know how things are going.