Altar & Rosary Society

Love God! Live Nobly! Serve Others!

Our primary purpose is a spiritual one. We attend the 9:30AM Mass together on the first Sunday of each month. Members practice devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary through the recitation of the Rosary. Our Patron is St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus.

Our secondary purpose is fundraising and maintaining the Altar supplies and vestments for the priests and servers. We purchase the altar breads and candles. These are funded by the membership dues, fundraisers and private donations.

Our general meetings take place the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM in the Costello Community Center. We have speakers, raffles, refreshments and fun!

We have a calling committee in place to notify membership of timely information such as deaths, or if we are needed to help the church, baking for receptions or participate in a Church event.

A monthly newsletter is published and distributed in the church by the weekly bulletins.


  • Visit the sick and send cards
  • Help clean the Church
  • Donate our time wherever needed
  • Sell Oplatky during the Christmas Season
  • May Crowning the first Sunday in May at the 9:30AM Mass
  • Help with the fish fries
  • Staff the hospitality room at the Holy Family Festival
  • Spring raffle
  • Christmas raffle

ALL LADIES, AGE 18 AND OVER ARE WELCOME TO JOIN AT ANY TIME.  For more information, please contact the Parish office.