posted 3/16/22 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the WINE TASTING EVENT, the overflow Masses on the weekend of March 19/20 will be held in the Gym, NOT the Cafeteria. posted 1/14/22 MASSES ARE CURRENTLY BEING HELD IN THE CHAPEL – Additional seating available in cafeteria for certain Masses The Chapel is set up with 180 seats. It comfortably holds 120 or more parishioners. We’d like to remind you that the 4:30 vigil Mass as well as 9:30 and 11:30 Sunday Masses are being broadcast Live -Real Time in the Cafeteria. This is the same Mass taking place in the chapel, Live on screen in the cafeteria. Communion will be distributed at all the Cafeteria Masses. Prior to the Cafeteria Masses the Eucharist will be placed in a temporary tabernacle for prayer and distribution and returned to our permanent Chapel after the 11:30 Mass. Eucharistic Ministers will be in the cafeteria. Ushers are available in both locations The cafeteria is set up to accommodate 72 parishioners quite comfortably, with additional room if needed.
posted 1/7/22 Attention : All those attending Masses at Holy Family
Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience posted 12/31/21 THE CHURCH WILL BE CLOSED BEGINNING JANUARY 3, UNTIL JUNE, 2022 HELD IN THE CHAPEL…
OVERFLOW MASSES Will be held in the Costello Community Center Cafeteria for Saturday 4:30, and Sunday 9:30 and 11:30 Masses. These Masses will be a LIVE VIEW of the Chapel Mass. Holy Communion will be distributed by Eucharistic Ministers in this location. Handicap accessibility parking is available at both locations. We will have signage letting you know when the Chapel is nearing capacity. We encourage the use of the overflow location. The 4:30 Vigil Mass will continue to be Livestreamed and available to view at home. Thanks you for your patience and understanding.
The Mass schedule and location will not be interrupted in any way until the beginning of construction on January 3, 2022. This includes the entire Advent and Christmas seasons – that will go on, as usual, in the main church building. |
We will notify you of future location changes for 2022 Masses. In-church announcements, bulletin announcements, as well as information on this WEB Page will be clear and made in a timely manor as we get closer to construction start. |
Mass InformationHoly Family2022-03-16T19:15:44+00:00